No one knows how to save for a rainy day better than Sustainers. But money in the bank doesn’t always add up to security. Just as the moments you plan for don’t always turn out as expected. Indeed, for Sustainers, the world has a way of proving it can’t be completely trusted. Things can always go wrong. Especially when you’re not there to make it go right. That’s a big responsibility. And how you handle it can determine how good you feel about yourself and your life.

Here’s an important question: What if you discovered your own view of the world was contributing to that very sense of urgency you may be trying to protect yourself and your loved ones from? Would it help you let go a little? Enough to make life less stressful?

The New Temperament will give you an entirely new light on your world — and the people in it. You’ll discover what kind of Sustainer you may be. And what’s at the core of some of your most fundamental needs and desires. You’ll learn how to access other innate potentials to broaden your perspective and bring more joy and satisfaction to your life.