We welcome questions and suggestions from our subscribers. It’s a great way for you to refine your temperament skills. And, it challenges us to be better. Please send your questions to dear_ty@thenewtemperament.com. We try to answer as many as we can during the week, and post those queries that we feel will have the broadest interest or appeal. Here’s an example of kinds of questions and comments we receive.

With fond regards,
The Temperamentally Yours Team


Nina writes, 9/9/08

Dear TY:
I scored as a Sociable Sustainer. My fiancé scored as a Questing Discerner. From a New Temperament perspective, we’re almost polar opposites. Is there any hope for us?

Dear Nina:
That’s not uncommon at all. Couples frequently discover their partners are the complete inverse of their own temperament. Think of it as having all your bases covered. If you see it as complimentary, and allow each other the understanding and space you need, your world can be that much bigger and enjoyable. Take a look at our NTM called “Love and Temperament.” It provides more depth around this very question.

Alan writes, 9/12/08

Dear TY:
At the close of my assessment I got some additional questions. What does that mean?

Dear Alan:
Some people are more socially inclined than others. And some people prefer an almost equal mix of time to themselves and time with their friends. On any particular scale we use to determine temperament, the results may show this kind of range, from balanced to divergent. To resolve those instances in the former case, we devised additional questions. Read your report again and see how it feels. Then let us know. If need be, we’ll personally evaluate your answers and send you another report based on those scales in which you scored equally.

Arnold writes, 9/17/08

Dear TY:
Is there a link between IQ and Temperament? Can any one temperament claim to be “more intelligent” than another?

Dear Arnold:
As far as we know, no one has proven a definitive relationship between IQ and temperament. If you hear anyone making that claim, they didn’t hear it here.

Jessica writes, 9/21/08

Dear TY:
Does one’s temperament change?

Dear Jessica:
People evolve and change in varying degrees. And they may behave differently in different in settings, such as home or work. As people mature, and their primary preferences have been largely fulfilled, they may even have the desire to experience other aspects of their temperament, such as an Industrious Sustainer who takes up acting. In most cases, however, their temperament itself doesn’t change. And there’s no compelling why it should. Everyone’s temperament is fine. It’s one’s awareness of it that’s so important to one’s personal development.

Miguel writes, 10/05/08

Dear TY:
Okay, I tried it. I agree with my report which said I was a Confident Sustainer. But I’m a little confused. I’m having a tough time figuring out what to do with the information and why I should care.

Dear Miguel:
First, recognize that you don’t have to do anything. Now you have a little more information about yourself than you did before. How you use it is up to you. For example, if you get impatient or angry when you have to wait for someone, you’ll know why. Perhaps now you can learn to relax that part of yourself by recognizing it’s simply part of your temperament. Time for you is always of the essence. You probably couldn’t accept any other way, from yourself or others. Now you can try. And your life may be better for it.


Arthur writes, 10/16/08

Dear TY:
I feel like I’m in Miguel’s camp. I agree with my report, but I am not sure what to do with the information. Can you elaborate?

Dear Arthur,
In every situation there are subjective factors. Those are the ideas and beliefs you bring to the table. Most people do not realize how much they cling to what seems natural and familiar. But in most cases that’s simply a result of their temperament. Understanding the subjective factors that are operating inside you can free you to see any situation, including how you yourself may be contributing to it, from a much broader perspective. That’s simply a better place to operate from. How could it not? It’s not unlike turning on the high beams in your car at night. It enables you to see a lot more. Our NTM’s were designed to show temperament in action. You may want to check the current list to see if it touches upon any subjects of personal interest.


Donald writes 10/22/08

Dear TY:
Wow, I think I’m getting it. You guys are rather Zen-like. Instead of the “New” Temperament, you should call yourselves “No” Temperament!

Dear Donald:
Bravo! You’re completely right. What truly distinguishes our approach is that we view temperament awareness as fundamental to the experience of something much larger. But, in order to get past temperament, you first need to get a glimpse of the self-imposed order and structure your temperament creates. The New Temperament is a Jungian system that helps us see how we apprehend and interpret reality, but it is not the reality itself. That perception is often the source of much pain and confusion. If one day our service were completely obsolete, that would make us extraordinarily happy. How’s that for a business plan?